The conveyor has played an important role.

panel horizontal orbital stretch wrapper

The conveyor has played an important role. It can carry out low-cost transportation.

In June 2014, BEUMER group will hold a sustainable and energy-saving system solution in cologne. We can say a little bit more specifically. As you can see, with the help of the model, the internal expert displays the functions of its economic fpc1 conveyor. These systems can transport materials to an impassable terrain, and these systems are environmentally friendly. Visitors will understand the BEUMER customer support, which makes all users’ systems highly available and can be guaranteed.

The curved conveyor system design is very characteristic, it is the fpc2 conveyor or the enclosed fpc3 conveyor. In power plant, the shift from a large number of coal storage or receiver to the boiler is that they do, at the same time, they can also be waste such as ash, slag, or of FGD gypsum in transmission, generally speaking, these wastes have been transported to a landfill or other waste dump. The BEUMER conveyor system is also a perfect solution for delivering alternative fuels. And we can see that people are increasingly using alternative fuels. It also has a considerable disadvantage in terms of trucks. It is well known that road construction costs are expensive, and that raw materials need to be shipped from the excavation site to the factory, which means more trips are needed.

Environmental electric drive and low energy belt are all equipped with fpc2 conveyor. Generally speaking, since they are designed by closed-loop control, you can also optimize the load in different working conditions on the driver unit. If the fpc2 conveyor appears to run downhill, then the system work will be generated. Through the feedback unit, the recovered electricity can be fed back to the public power supply.

Did you see those visitors to the fair? They will also learn about BEUMER customer support. Customer support is important to ensure that all users’ systems are highly available. Existing machines are supported by team optimization. In all parts of the world, highly competent experts are present, and these specialists can provide professional maintenance and maintenance, providing spare parts. At the same time, these experts can also conduct customer training.